The proposed limits of toxic substances in wastes degrade the Stockholm Convention

The EU proposed limits for persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are so weak that they do not begin to address the problems they were designed to solve. ” The proposed limits...

Ratification of the Stockholm Convention by Turkey is near - IPEN supported the first conference on persistent organic pollutants in Turkey

The historically first conference dedicated to the issue of highly hazardous persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in Turkey took place at the end of December in Istanbul.

Protect us from pollutants: EU Ministers must reject Commission’s weak proposal on toxic chemicals in waste

The European Environmental Bureau (EEB), Europe’s largest federation of environmental citizens’ organisations, and the International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN), today called...

International NGO Statement on the PRTR Crisis in the Czech Republic

NGOs appeal to the Members of the Parliament of the Czech Republic in the interest of the global public and environmental protection, not to limit public rights on information...

The Regional Office of the city Ústí nad Labem issued resolution about granting permission for the production in Epitetra for the third time

Ústí nad Labem- Spolek pro chemickou a hutní výrobu (Chemical and Mining Industrial Company, also Spolchemie) has been granted by the Regional Office of the city Ústí nad Labem...

Arnika leads a campaign for PVC substitution

Almost 7.000 people from the Czech Republic signed the petition “For PVC substitution of products for children, medical devices and food packages”, by the end of 2007. The...

Prague Is a Precedent for the Whole of Europe, says UNESCO Director

Members of the Reactive Monitoring Mission of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) have started their visit to Prague. Today...

Healthcare Waste Treatment: The Czech Republic and Slovenia in Comparative Perspective

"Healthcare Waste Treatment: The Czech Republic and Slovenia in Comparative Perspective" is a new study prepared by Arnika. The main objectives of the study are: (1) to compare...

Access to information about quantity of toxic substances released by industry to be maintained

Access to information about quantity of toxic substances released by industry to be maintained

A draft version of the Act on Integrated Pollution Register (IRZ), prepared by the Ministry of Environment, was adopted by the Czech Government.

Prague approves skyscrapers despite UNESCO

Six months after the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) opposed the new skyscrapers at Prague's Pankrác, City Hall has issued a planning...

Companies reduce emissions because of the Integrated Pollution Register

Companies reduce emissions because of the Integrated Pollution Register

For the fifth time, Arnika presented its charts of largest polluters, made up from the data from the Integrated Pollution Register (IPR). The information from 2008 brought a...

New study showed the high level of dioxins in chicken eggs from Dandora

New study showed the high level of dioxins in chicken eggs from Dandora

The analysis of six sampled eggs collected near the Dandora dumpsite revealed that the concentration of dioxins in the eggs was six times higher than the European Union (EU)...