Plastic bottles for children contain harmful plasticisers. Some of them were purchased in the Czech Republic

Plastic bottles for children contain harmful plasticisers. Some of them were purchased in the Czech Republic

Reusable plastic bottles marketed for children are leaking dangerous chemicals. This is a result of a study by McGill University in Canada, commissioned by the Dutch NGO Tegengif...

A new study has found significant water pollution by PFAS in Bangladesh. Textile industry to blame

A new study has found significant water pollution by PFAS in Bangladesh. Textile industry to blame

PRAGUE/DHAKA - Have you noticed that your new blouse or shirt with a stand-up collar was likely made in Bangladesh? Textile factories, located mainly in the industrial areas of...

Moldovans on a study tour in the Czech Republic

Moldovans on a study tour in the Czech Republic

In May, we organized a study visit to the Czech Republic for colleagues from Moldova. With representatives of there state institutions, protected areas, NGOs and volunteer...

An International Conference in Jakarta Highlights Benefits of Nationwide Register of Industrial Polluters

An International Conference in Jakarta Highlights Benefits of Nationwide Register of Industrial Polluters

JAKARTA – An international conference held on 4-5 June by the non-governmental organisations Nexus3 (Indonesia) and Arnika (the Czech Republic) presented the benefits and...

Biologer camp: Experts from the Balkans and the Czech Republic to study the biodiversity of the Rzav River

Biologer camp: Experts from the Balkans and the Czech Republic to study the biodiversity of the Rzav River

The Rzav River in Bosnia and Herzegovina will host an international camp of both hobbyist and professional biologists. They will map the local biodiversity and call for vigorous...

Moldovan volunteer rangers better prepared for their work

Moldovan volunteer rangers better prepared for their work

More than 30 Moldovan volunteer rangers met in Chisinau in April and May to discuss problems related to their work and to improve their skills. During the workshops organised by...

Conference in Chișinău shared experience in implementing European nature protection networks

Conference in Chișinău shared experience in implementing European nature protection networks

CHIȘINĂU - A joint press conference of experts, representatives of (inter-)governmental bodies and non-governmental organisations Biotica (Moldova) and Arnika (the Czech...

Chemical industry hijacks fourth international meeting on reducing plastic pollution

Chemical industry hijacks fourth international meeting on reducing plastic pollution

In the last week of April, the fourth and penultimate preparatory meeting for a new international treaty on reducing plastic pollution took place in Ottawa, Canada. On behalf of...

‘Yes to Europe, no to the Russian law’: Georgians resist attempts to shackle civil society

‘Yes to Europe, no to the Russian law’: Georgians resist attempts to shackle civil society

Georgia has been rocked by protests against a controversial law that would brand a significant number of NGOs and media outlets as foreign agents. The legislation, dubbed the...

World Earth Day in Sarajevo: an event for a legal protection of nature

World Earth Day in Sarajevo: an event for a legal protection of nature

For our colleagues from the Centre for the Environment, the Aarhus Centre BiH and the Dr. Stjepan Bolkay Centre, Earth Day on 22 April in Sarajevo was a happening, calling for a...

Active Moldovan Spring 2024

Active Moldovan Spring 2024

Sunny days lured many active people from both banks of the Dniester River outdoors to observe the local natural treasures and help improve the environment in which they live.

Back to the springtime Balkans: a new photo exhibition and a trip to the wild springs of the Sana River

Back to the springtime Balkans: a new photo exhibition and a trip to the wild springs of the Sana River

In the last week of March, we returned to the beautiful Bosnian countryside around the Pecka Visitor Centre. We have been working in the Balkans for years to protect Europe's...