Lake Modrac´s watershed relief

Lake Modrac´s watershed relief

Mayors of municipalities Banovići, Lukavac, Tuzla and Živinice in central Bosnia and Herzegovina decided to displace illegal waste deposits from watershed of lake Modrac.

Loom Band Charms and Scoubidou Strings Bought in Czech Republic Contain Phthalates and Heavy Metals (updated)

Loom Band Charms and Scoubidou Strings Bought in Czech Republic Contain Phthalates and Heavy Metals (updated)

Phthalates (1) and heavy metals, in particular lead (2), have been found in loom band charms, and in scoubidou strings Wiky. Arnika commissioned detailed analyses for phthalates...

New Act on Environmental Protection

New Act on Environmental Protection

Negotiations on a new 'Act on Environmental Protection of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina' started with public hearings in Sarajevo, Mostar, Bihać, and Tuzla.

Until Now, Measurements Did Not Identify Any Loom Band Sets with Heavy Metal Contents Exceeding Limits, or Made of PVC

Until Now, Measurements Did Not Identify Any Loom Band Sets with Heavy Metal Contents Exceeding Limits, or Made of PVC

As promised, Arnika carried out basic measurements of loom band sets using a roentgen spectrometer, to analyse presence of heavy metals, and also to find out whether some of them...

Further Loom Bands Will Be Subjected to Analyses

Further Loom Bands Will Be Subjected to Analyses

In the last few days, Arnika has bought further sets of bands and pendants and other accessories, and it will send them for testing into a specialised laboratory this week. The...

Good Practice Examples - Motivation System of the Company STKO in Mikulov and its Surroundings

Good Practice Examples - Motivation System of the Company STKO in Mikulov and its Surroundings

The company STKO has implemented a so-called Smart Waste Management System (SWMS) in Mikulov and its surroundings (11 municipalities). The aim of the system is to minimize...

To school without toxic phthalates? It's possible, if you avoid PVC

To school without toxic phthalates? It's possible, if you avoid PVC

In three of ten analysed parts of school tools and summer equipment for children, tests proved presence of phthalates in amounts exceeding the limit for toys and equipment for...

Selection of international news - 6

Selection of international news - 6

Residents of Armenian village oppose construction of an open mine Over 200 residents of Gndevaz village, Armenia, signed a letter of complaint to the IFC Ombudsman's office (IFW...

Toxics Free Kazakhstan: speech of Kamen Velichkov

Toxics Free Kazakhstan: speech of Kamen Velichkov

The international conference "Toxics Free Kazakhstan - How to Improve the Situation?" took place on August 7, 2014 in Astana. Kamen Velichkov, Charge de Affairs, made a welcome...

Toxic pollution in Central Kazakhstan: EU-funded project reveals serious problems and hazards for human health

Toxic pollution in Central Kazakhstan: EU-funded project reveals serious problems and hazards for human health

On 7 August 2014, the international conference "Toxics Free Kazakhstan" will be held in Astana with attendance of authorities of all levels and experts who will search for...

Human rights in Kazakhstan: Nibbled apples only

Human rights in Kazakhstan: Nibbled apples only

Activists have travelled six and half thousand kilometres in order to draw attention to the devastation being perpetrated in the unique nature of the Almaty Mountains. Hundreds...