Jindřich is one of the founders of Arnika. He also founded Tým Bořena, an informal association that was established on the Trupelník hill near Bílina in September 1979. With it, he moved eight endangered plant species from the forefields of the Radovesické dump to alternative locations, saving only the yellow plant from disappearing from its westernmost outcrop. In March 1990, he launched the campaign To Save the Ozone Sphere - it resulted in 1993 in the first law to protect the Earth's ozone layer adopted in post-Communist countries, which helped to save the valuable ozone molecules in the Earth's protective shield. Between 1992 and 1996, he worked as an editor for the magazine Nika, which was devoted to environmental topics, in which he also dealt with pollution from Spolana Neratovice for the first time. The Future Without Poisons campaign was transferred from Dětí Země to Arnika, which helped to establish the Integrated Pollution Register, a publicly available database on emissions and transfers of toxic substances from hundreds of industrial operations in the Czech Republic. Today, he mainly focuses on international campaigns and projects within the framework of Arnika's work for the international network IPEN (International Pollutants Elimination Network), with which he managed to significantly intervene in the preparation of essential documents relating to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Substances. It mainly focuses on reducing the environmental burden of dioxins. He is fond of photography, traveling, coffee, tea, and observing nature and a few other things.
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