Ukrainian environmental NGO Ekodia together with its Czech counterpart Arnika invite citizens of major cities to take part in seminars on the topic of industrial air pollution. Three one-day workshops will take place in the following cities: June 17 – Zaporizhia, June 30 – Dnipro, July 1 – Krivyi Rih. The program will be identical for all three sessions.
The following topics will be covered:
- The current state of monitoring and control of air quality; monitoring of emissions from industrial enterprises in Ukraine
- Steps of Ukraine on approximation of legislation to EU norms
- The city of Ostrava: Czech experience with fighting air pollution, the history of protests
- Medical aspects of industrial air pollution. Is it possible to prove the connection between air pollution and morbidity?
- Measurements of air pollution through water and soil sampling. Nuances of the system. How to interpret results
- Litigation against large polluters - practical experience
June 17 – Zaporizhia
Venue: проспект Соборний, 159
Time: 9-00 - 19-00
June 30 – Dnipro
Venue: майдан Шевченко, 4а (готель Жовтневий)
Time: 9-00 - 19-00
July 1 – Krivyi Rih
Venue: вул. Героїв АТО,30в
Time: 9-00 - 19-00
Registration is required. We ask you to confirm participation in the event by filling out the registration form by June 13, 2018. Participation in seminars is free of charge, coffee breaks and a vegetarian lunch involved.
Contact person: Tamara Kharchilava (, 044 353 78 42, 068 515 33 80)