Two weeks ago an exceptionally low water level was measured in the capital of Hungary. For the first time since 1947 the level dropped below half a meter. According to hydrologists, this is due to this year's extreme drought.
Both national and world media first informed about Europe's critical longest river on Tuesday, October 16, with an alleged level of 0.49 meters. But that was not all-- two days later, the water level of the Danube dropped 41 cm in Budapest, and 38 cm last week.
According to water management experts, this is a result of exceptionally low precipitation in recent weeks. The information about the water north of the Danube riverbed was first released in August, when the water level came close to the record low. Budapest is not worse off, as water levels dropped even lower in some places.
In its report, a news portal, Hungary Today, shows how the river receded from its usual shores by tens of meters and revealed otherwise hidden treasures. For example, in the town of Érd on the outskirts of Budapest, a shipwreck was discovered containing weapons, gold and silver coins from the 18th century.
In other places, however, the riverbed offers a more pitiful sight. Many river biotopes were caught in isolation or ran completely dry.