Public informational center on chemical safety and waste issues created in Minsk – stated in the press-conference held on 20th of December 2011.
Chemical safety is an important issue which affects the quality of life of people in many countries including Belarus. Unfortunately, not a lot of people are aware about this issue. It is noted that often insufficient attention at local and regional levels is paid by decision makers to this topic. Risks associated with chemical contamination often remains invisible. Today, this issue has received little attention.
These and other aspects of the problem will be the focus of public informational center on chemical safety and waste issues which was created by the Center for environmental solutions (CES) in co-operation with Arnika. This centre is within the project "Strengthening public participation on environmental decision making and SAICM implementation in Belarus" (SAICM - Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management).
The concept behind the public information center is to make information available about chemicals and waste to a wide range of concerned citizens, educational institutions, and journalists. Everyone interested can ask for information on chemical safety, waste management, and a free-of-charge consultation. To ask a question, please call + 375 17 237 40 70, or send an e-mail:"> In order to receive printed materials or have a personal consultation, one can visit the office of the infocentre, located at the address: Minsk, av. Masherova, 9-317. The office of the infocenter works from 10 Am to 17 PM, Monday-Friday. In the near future, a specially developed website will be launched to better provide information and answer questions.
"We hope that the information center will promote public interest in waste and chemical safety in our country, and as a result, more people will participate in solving these problems," – says Eugeniy Lobanov, CES program director.
“I am very glad that Arnika could provide their experience from Czech Republic to help open the centre. Existence of public institution that will provide expert advice and answers to questions of the public and journalists of the issues of waste and chemical safety is very important," stated Matej Man, Arnika’s representative.
Apart from providing information, Informational Centre will arrange educational workshops, seminars, and meetings for interested people and organizations on waste management and chemicals.
Public informational center on chemical safety and waste was opened as a part of the project “Strengthening public participation on environmental decision making and SAICM implementation in Belarus” funded by The European Union under the European Union‘s Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development programme for “Belarus” and co-funded by the Czech Development Agency and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic which is part of the Programme of Foreign Development Aid of the Czech Republic. Work on the Сenter is also co-funded by Global Greengrants Fund.
Center for Environmental solutions is a non-governmental, non-commercial organization founded in 2009 with the aim to promote an environmentally-friendly life-style, the principles of sustainable development, and international co-operation for environmental protection. The main areas of concern for CES are chemical safety, energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable waste management, green consumption, and organic agriculture. Web-site:
Arnika is a Czech non-governmental organisation which focuses on environmental issues especially connected with chemical safety, citizens’ support, and environmental law. Arnika seeks to reduce toxics, to point out the biggest pollutants in the Czech Republic, to organise happenings, and to highlight local problems. Arnika encourage citizens to be active in decision making processes and form of new NGO’s. Web-site: