You are awesome! Support for Ukraine is on its way

You are awesome! Support for Ukraine is on its way

A lot of material support has been gathered in Arnika’s office these days. Medical kits, power banks, accumulators, sleeping bags, clothes, and many other kinds of help. That is...

IPEN and Arnika urge Members of the European Parliament to vote for the strictest possible limits on POPs in waste

IPEN and Arnika urge Members of the European Parliament to vote for the strictest possible limits on POPs in waste

The EU is proposing to adopt new limit values for persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in waste by amending Annexes IV and V to the Regulation (EU) 2019/1021 of the European...

Call for help: Support our Ukrainian colleagues

Call for help: Support our Ukrainian colleagues

Until a few days ago, we were fighting together with our Ukrainian colleagues for cleaner air and a better environment. But now, we need to support them in our common struggle...

Aarhus Convention Committee urges states to help Ukrainian environmental activists

Aarhus Convention Committee urges states to help Ukrainian environmental activists

The Committee on Compliance with the Aarhus Convention [1] called on signatory states to help protect Ukrainian environmental activists. The call applies to people living or...

Governments set a cornerstone for a new plastic  treaty

Governments set a cornerstone for a new plastic treaty

Global representatives gathered in Nairobi, Kenya, at the 5 th United Nations Environmental Assembly session this week. Consent on the need for a new global treaty on plastic...



The Arnika Association is staying in touch with its Ukrainian colleagues and friends. We have been working together since 2017 on projects that were aimed at the improvement and...

Free Ukraine! Our colleagues need help against Russian aggression

Free Ukraine! Our colleagues need help against Russian aggression

With much concern for the future of our Ukrainian colleagues, their loved ones, and all of Ukraine, we are watching the unforgivable attack of the Russian army against this...

Cleaner air for Ukraine – regional efforts backed by international grants   

Cleaner air for Ukraine – regional efforts backed by international grants  

Local initiatives on enhancing the air quality in Ukraine will receive financial aid from international organizations. The help will go to grassroots projects in Kharkiv,...

Environmental Experts Investigate the Toxic E-waste Dump in Kalasin

Environmental Experts Investigate the Toxic E-waste Dump in Kalasin

An international team of experts investigates the industrial hot spots in the Khok Sa-ad sub-district, Kalasin province. The area is infamous for Thailand’s largest e-waste dump,...

What Belarus breathed in 2021

What Belarus breathed in 2021

A total of 244 volunteers joined the citizen air pollution monitoring network of Belarus AirMQ in 2021. Almost three and a half thousand people used the mobile app that shows the...

Adoption of Rivers in Moldova

Adoption of Rivers in Moldova

Not surprisingly, rivers are best protected by the people living around them in the long run. Large NGOs have therefore developed various schemes to support such local groups in...

EU Urged to Support Stronger Limits on POPs in Waste

EU Urged to Support Stronger Limits on POPs in Waste

IPEN, Arnika, and 16 European NGOs call on leaders to lower threshold values for POPs in waste, which enter recycling and waste exports.