Have a nice rivers’ day and keep the dams away!

Have a nice rivers’ day and keep the dams away!

Today the Sikh New Year Hola Mohalla is celebrated, also it’s Sir Michael Cane’s birthday and some other special occasions and aniversaries occure on March 14. Beside all that,...

Every 5th toy on European market contains dangerous phthalates

Every 5th toy on European market contains dangerous phthalates

Results of the checks conducted by the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) shows disturbing findings. The inspectors discovered hundreds of products with high amount of dangerous...

„Let's stop the giant waste incinerator,“ people from the Mělník region appeal

„Let's stop the giant waste incinerator,“ people from the Mělník region appeal

The petition „Stop the Mělník Incinerator“ requires shutting down the project of the biggest incinerator in the Czech Republic. According to the locals, the planned incinerator...

Dioxin disgrace directed by the electricity and heat selling conglomerate ČEZ Group

Dioxin disgrace directed by the electricity and heat selling conglomerate ČEZ Group

In the documents for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of an incinerator, the ČEZ Group says that the total emissions of toxic dioxins into the air are 25-times higher than...

Golf lawsuit threatens to ruin Friends of the Earth Croatia

Golf lawsuit threatens to ruin Friends of the Earth Croatia

Opposing a controversial golf resort above Dubrovnik might bankcrupt the environmental initiative.The company ‘Razvoj golf’ owned by Dutch financial holding Elitech demands...

Fight for water: valuable Bosnian rivers are disappearing in concrete

Fight for water: valuable Bosnian rivers are disappearing in concrete

That water is the source of life, we all know, but we rarely ask what it really means. And we should ask because what is happening with the natural wealth in Bosnia and...

Over 1000 mine workers dismissed from Russian-owned company in Armenia

Over 1000 mine workers dismissed from Russian-owned company in Armenia

The ‘Teghut’ Closed Joint-Stock Company (CJSC) has released a new statement, which says that 1032 out of its 1190 employees received notifications on the termination of their...

Toys made of recycled plastics may contain toxic chemicals that can damage children's nervous system

Toys made of recycled plastics may contain toxic chemicals that can damage children's nervous system

Recycled plastics contain hazardous substances that may damage nervous system, immunity and male fertility. They are used in building materials, carpets, dishes, hairdressing...

Will there finally be mandatory labeling of chemical composition for all products?

Will there finally be mandatory labeling of chemical composition for all products?

Knowledge of the composition of the product is key for consumers deciding whether to buy the product or not. However, the information is important even after the products are not...

Europe one large step closer to circular economics

Europe one large step closer to circular economics

By 2030, all plastic packaging should be recyclable. The European Commission adopted a package of measures that will lead to the transition to the circulating economy. The...

Brutal beating of an environmental activists in Russia

Brutal beating of an environmental activists in Russia

Andrey Rudomakha, leader of Environmental Watch on the North Caucasus (EWNC), was attacked and viciously beaten on December 28. The environmental and human rights defender had to...

Brominated flame retardants contaminate plastic spatulas, spoons and others kitchen utensils

Brominated flame retardants contaminate plastic spatulas, spoons and others kitchen utensils

Are you getting ready for a snack for the New Year's Eve? In that case, you should beware of kitchenware made of black plastics. Brominated flame retardants (BFR) currently...