Consultation Centre of Eco Mangystau opens doors on Saturday

Consultation Centre of Eco Mangystau opens doors on Saturday

Visitors can come to plant trees and learn to make their own compost Do you agree that Aktau might be greener and cleaner? Environmentalists will show our citizens how to...

How to solve burning environmental issues of Mangystau? NGOs urge the state authorities to act immediately

How to solve burning environmental issues of Mangystau? NGOs urge the state authorities to act immediately

Wild waste dumps glutting the steppe, abandoned industrial objects, shocking oil spills, and the poaching of rare animals. Such is hidden face of the Mangystau Province which is...

Moravian and Silesian Map of Tree-Lined Avenues: New Guide Helps Tourists, Special Database Helps Development in Regions

Moravian and Silesian Map of Tree-Lined Avenues: New Guide Helps Tourists, Special Database Helps Development in Regions

After a two-year effort, the team of geographers from the University of Ostrava, together with the Arnika NGO, has launched a new map and database for 992 Moravian and Silesian...

Aarhus Convention violated by Bosnian authorities, new international report says

Aarhus Convention violated by Bosnian authorities, new international report says

Environmental democracy in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Limping along The s ystem of the state administration is confusing; authorities often violate legislation and civil society...

Eko Forum Zenica filed criminal charges against ArcelorMittal and state officials for catastrophic pollution

Eko Forum Zenica filed criminal charges against ArcelorMittal and state officials for catastrophic pollution

After years of using various methods to enforce citizens’ rights for clean environment, Eko-Forum Zenica decided to take another step. The Bosnia based NGO filed criminal charges...

EU-funded Small Grants Programme helps Mangystau local communities to solve environmental problems

EU-funded Small Grants Programme helps Mangystau local communities to solve environmental problems

Four projects concerning the odor and dust from the municipal waste landfill, leaking sewage pipes, lack of trees, and illegal trade of antelope saiga’s horns topics were...

Good environment is a human right and  it is normal to strive for it

Good environment is a human right and it is normal to strive for it

In the twenty-first century, it is not normal to not be able to take a breath because of the serious air pollution produced by factories. In EU countries, including the Czech...

Paint and Protect: Tree-lined avenue near Zásmuky is now safer

Paint and Protect: Tree-lined avenue near Zásmuky is now safer

Last Thursday and Friday, eighth graders from Zásmuky´s elementary school and volunteers from the surrounding area, worked together to paint nearly 150 trees that line the avenue...

Citizens in Bosnia rally against air pollution

Citizens in Bosnia rally against air pollution

Fresh flowers, a symbol of nonviolence is an answer to the terror of industrial polluters. Residents of Zenica, one of the largest towns of Bosnia and Herzegovina are protesting...

EU promotes recycling toxic chemicals into new products which will ultimately be dumped as waste into developing countries

EU promotes recycling toxic chemicals into new products which will ultimately be dumped as waste into developing countries

The EU has pushed dangerous cleanup standards for three toxic flame retardant chemicals widely used in building insulation, upholstery and electronics (HBCD, PentaBDE, and...

Toxic pollution in Kazakhstan:  EU-funded project suggests solutions for seriously contaminated sites in order to reduce hazards for human health

Toxic pollution in Kazakhstan: EU-funded project suggests solutions for seriously contaminated sites in order to reduce hazards for human health

On 30 April 2015, experts from Kazakhstani non-governmental organizations EcoMuseum and CINEST, and their partners from Arnika and Chemistry and Technology University Prague, the...

Small grants provided by the European Union helped local communities in Kazakhstan to solve environmental problems

Small grants provided by the European Union helped local communities in Kazakhstan to solve environmental problems

Dust from abandoned uranium mine tailings, illegal waste dumps, the poisoning of river Irtysh by heavy metals, contamination of lake Balkhash, and severe air pollution. These are...