Czech watercourses will benefit from the Patronage of the Streams

Czech watercourses will benefit from the Patronage of the Streams

CZECH REPUBLIC / PRAGUE / TELČ / KADOV - 27.11.2012 A snapshot from the first Patronage. The Arnika Association is inviting active citizens to take part in a model of care for...

Czech bream wins – at least in the concentration of mercury in blood. And it lives in the Elbe under Spolana

Czech bream wins – at least in the concentration of mercury in blood. And it lives in the Elbe under Spolana

MĚLNÍK – In two of eight samples of carp bream the maximum permitted concentration of mercury in fish in the European Union was exceeded. One of them even takes first place in...

Arnika launches a project to protect health of the inhabitants of Kazakhstan from toxic material

Arnika launches a project to protect health of the inhabitants of Kazakhstan from toxic material

To identify places contaminated with hazardous chemicals that is one of the main aims of a new international project with Czech participation. It is currently being launched– by...

Spolana wants to use toxic mercury in chlorine production for another six years

Spolana wants to use toxic mercury in chlorine production for another six years

Spolana Neratovice has made a request for extending the life of the outdated technology that uses considerable amount of mercury. Despite the fact that Spolana should have...

Don't Burn, Recycle!

Don't Burn, Recycle!

Arnika's new campaign “Don't Burn, Recycle!” is a direct reaction to the recent efforts to build numerous incinerators in the Czech Republic. These incinerators are going to get...

Arnika helps Asia to eliminate hazardous lead-containing paints

Arnika helps Asia to eliminate hazardous lead-containing paints

The global project Eliminate Lead in Paint has been launched in Bangkok during a meeting of non-governmental organizations from seven Asian countries and the international...

New Mercury Treaty negotiations heading towards losing the right to be called the “Minamata Convention”

New Mercury Treaty negotiations heading towards losing the right to be called the “Minamata Convention”

Current text released at the 4 th meeting for a global, legally binding treaty on mercury, underway in Punta del Este, Uruguay, refrains from requiring obligatory action to clean...

A leaflet will warn inhabitants of several municipalities in the Ústí Region: Do not burn plastics at home

A leaflet will warn inhabitants of several municipalities in the Ústí Region: Do not burn plastics at home

Just in these days, after the Ústí Region has suffered several smog situations, inhabitants of Ludvíkovice will receive into their letter boxes an information leaflet concerning...

Public informational center on chemical safety and waste in Minsk was opened by CES and Arnika

Public informational center on chemical safety and waste in Minsk was opened by CES and Arnika

Public informational center on chemical safety and waste issues created in Minsk – stated in the press-conference held on 20 th of December 2011.

UN Delegates Struggle with the True Cost of Mercury

UN Delegates Struggle with the True Cost of Mercury

Delegates from more than 120 countries in the recently-held third meeting of an intergovernmental negotiating committee (INC3) struggled to move forward on a global mercury...

Law court has defended citizens and cancelled permission for skyscrapers on Pankrác

Law court has defended citizens and cancelled permission for skyscrapers on Pankrác

The Prague Municipal Court has cancelled a planning permission for two skyscrapers Epoque on Prague Pancrác Plain. This decision means a fundamental turn in citizens' protests...

European Commission has agreed with Czech non-governmental organizations

European Commission has agreed with Czech non-governmental organizations

The government of the Czech Republic should quickly complete a national list of localities with European significance in the network Natura 2000. European Commission asked the...