
Toxic chemicals in underwear? Women are a high-risk group when looking for bisphenols in textiles

Toxic chemicals in underwear? Women are a high-risk group when looking for bisphenols in textiles

Recent laboratory tests conducted by Arnika, dTest, and consumer associations from Hungary, Austria, and Slovenia revealed shocking results. The tests found that one in three...

Toxic pollution of children’s products needs urgent EU action, NGOs warn

Toxic pollution of children’s products needs urgent EU action, NGOs warn

BRUSSELS - Children across Europe are threatened by daily exposure to toxic chemicals found in consumer products, show new findings by environmental and children’s rights...

New study reveals toxic eggs and massive pollution in Java. Experts call for strict Global Plastic Treaty

New study reveals toxic eggs and massive pollution in Java. Experts call for strict Global Plastic Treaty

JAKARTA/PRAGUE - Experts from Arnika (the Czech Republic) and Nexus3 Foundation (Indonesia) in cooperation with the International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN) have...

Report: Waste Incineration Drives the Triple Planetary Crisis

Report: Waste Incineration Drives the Triple Planetary Crisis

Incineration is an outdated, unsustainable method for waste disposal, as burning waste, especially plastics, produces dangerous air emissions and high amounts of toxic ash.

Plastic pollution will be addressed by a new international convention. Chemicals must not be overlooked!

Plastic pollution will be addressed by a new international convention. Chemicals must not be overlooked!

The issue of plastic pollution is often oversimplified as if it means only litter. We all know the images of sea turtles or birds entangled in plastic bags, we all know that...

Plastic bottles for children contain harmful plasticisers. Some of them were purchased in the Czech Republic

Plastic bottles for children contain harmful plasticisers. Some of them were purchased in the Czech Republic

Reusable plastic bottles marketed for children are leaking dangerous chemicals. This is a result of a study by McGill University in Canada, commissioned by the Dutch NGO Tegengif...

A new study has found significant water pollution by PFAS in Bangladesh. Textile industry to blame

A new study has found significant water pollution by PFAS in Bangladesh. Textile industry to blame

PRAGUE/DHAKA - Have you noticed that your new blouse or shirt with a stand-up collar was likely made in Bangladesh? Textile factories, located mainly in the industrial areas of...

An International Conference in Jakarta Highlights Benefits of Nationwide Register of Industrial Polluters

An International Conference in Jakarta Highlights Benefits of Nationwide Register of Industrial Polluters

JAKARTA – An international conference held on 4-5 June by the non-governmental organisations Nexus3 (Indonesia) and Arnika (the Czech Republic) presented the benefits and...

Chemical industry hijacks fourth international meeting on reducing plastic pollution

Chemical industry hijacks fourth international meeting on reducing plastic pollution

In the last week of April, the fourth and penultimate preparatory meeting for a new international treaty on reducing plastic pollution took place in Ottawa, Canada. On behalf of...

Reusable plastic coffee cups and sports bottles contain substances potentially harming our hormonal system

Reusable plastic coffee cups and sports bottles contain substances potentially harming our hormonal system

The new Arnika’s study reveals the widespread presence of harmful substances in daily used plastic products such as reusable coffee cups and water bottles. These substances,...

A walk through ancient pesticides and industrial waste. New study examines toxins in Ukraine's Kakhovka sediments

A walk through ancient pesticides and industrial waste. New study examines toxins in Ukraine's Kakhovka sediments

ZAPORIZHZHIA / PRAGUE - Czech and Ukrainian experts have analysed a set of samples of the sediments taken from the bottom of the Kakhovka reservoir in Zaporizhzhia region of...

Blood tests show that European leaders have tested positive for so-called ‘forever chemicals’ in their bodies

Blood tests show that European leaders have tested positive for so-called ‘forever chemicals’ in their bodies

Three vice-presidents of the European Commission, the Environment Commissioner, the head of the European Environment Agency and nine Members of the European Parliament coming...