

EU-Funded Study Finds High Lead Levels in Paints in Seven Asian Countries: Children Ages 0-6 Risk Permanent and Lifelong Damage

EU-Funded Study Finds High Lead Levels in Paints in Seven Asian Countries: Children Ages 0-6 Risk Permanent and Lifelong Damage

The majority of household paints analyzed in seven Asian countries contain unsafe levels of lead; would not meet regulatory standards established in most highly industrialized...

Toxic pollution of Bosnia will be solved with the help of Czech experts

Toxic pollution of Bosnia will be solved with the help of Czech experts

The list of countries, where Arnika organization helps, increased by another item. Bosnia and Herzegovina. was most recently added. It is another country of former Eastern Block...

Czechs help in central Bosnia: local peoples´ health threatened by outdated industry and reckless corporations

Czechs help in central Bosnia: local peoples´ health threatened by outdated industry and reckless corporations

Two distant cities share the same story: the transnational corporation Mittal Steel bought the local steel plant, increased production but "forgot" to invest into environment...

Toxics Free Kazakhstan Expedition 2013: Samples Travel to Laboratories for Toxic Substance Analysis

Toxics Free Kazakhstan Expedition 2013: Samples Travel to Laboratories for Toxic Substance Analysis

Fourteen people took about a hundred samples of soil, water, and food weighing in total 50 kilograms, travelled approximately two and half thousand kilometres in a post-Soviet...

High concentration of mercury in the hair of people living nearby small-scale gold mines in Indonesia

High concentration of mercury in the hair of people living nearby small-scale gold mines in Indonesia

People living close to small-scale gold mines in Indonesia have their bodies heavily burdened with the mercury, as confirmed the levels of mercury in the human hair samples in...

Czech bream wins – at least in the concentration of mercury in blood. And it lives in the Elbe under Spolana

Czech bream wins – at least in the concentration of mercury in blood. And it lives in the Elbe under Spolana

MĚLNÍK – In two of eight samples of carp bream the maximum permitted concentration of mercury in fish in the European Union was exceeded. One of them even takes first place in...

Arnika launches a project to protect health of the inhabitants of Kazakhstan from toxic material

Arnika launches a project to protect health of the inhabitants of Kazakhstan from toxic material

To identify places contaminated with hazardous chemicals that is one of the main aims of a new international project with Czech participation. It is currently being launched– by...

Spolana wants to use toxic mercury in chlorine production for another six years

Spolana wants to use toxic mercury in chlorine production for another six years

Spolana Neratovice has made a request for extending the life of the outdated technology that uses considerable amount of mercury. Despite the fact that Spolana should have...

Don't Burn, Recycle!

Don't Burn, Recycle!

Arnika's new campaign “Don't Burn, Recycle!” is a direct reaction to the recent efforts to build numerous incinerators in the Czech Republic. These incinerators are going to get...

Arnika helps Asia to eliminate hazardous lead-containing paints

Arnika helps Asia to eliminate hazardous lead-containing paints

The global project Eliminate Lead in Paint has been launched in Bangkok during a meeting of non-governmental organizations from seven Asian countries and the international...

UN Delegates Struggle with the True Cost of Mercury

UN Delegates Struggle with the True Cost of Mercury

Delegates from more than 120 countries in the recently-held third meeting of an intergovernmental negotiating committee (INC3) struggled to move forward on a global mercury...