The Metropolitan Plan will allow developers to build on the majority of parks and green areas in Prague

The Metropolitan Plan will allow developers to build on the majority of parks and green areas in Prague

The concept of the Metropolitan Plan, which was published today by the municipality of the capital, is to cease to protect not only the areas around the Hvezda Game Reserve...

We’re helping Armenia again - this time from dangerous mining

We’re helping Armenia again - this time from dangerous mining

In cooperation with the Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment and Ecolur informational site, Arnika strives for the right of local people to effectively influence a...

The weir at Decin could possibly destroy the protected natural environment, people call upon the government to make it stop

The weir at Decin could possibly destroy the protected natural environment, people call upon the government to make it stop

The government intends to build, and we are on the lower reach of the Elbe, in order to ensure the navigability of the river for cargo ships. Ecologists point out not only the...

„Let's stop the giant waste incinerator,“ people from the Mělník region appeal

„Let's stop the giant waste incinerator,“ people from the Mělník region appeal

The petition „Stop the Mělník Incinerator“ requires shutting down the project of the biggest incinerator in the Czech Republic. According to the locals, the planned incinerator...

Dioxin disgrace directed by the electricity and heat selling conglomerate ČEZ Group

Dioxin disgrace directed by the electricity and heat selling conglomerate ČEZ Group

In the documents for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of an incinerator, the ČEZ Group says that the total emissions of toxic dioxins into the air are 25-times higher than...

Toys made of recycled plastics may contain toxic chemicals that can damage children's nervous system

Toys made of recycled plastics may contain toxic chemicals that can damage children's nervous system

Recycled plastics contain hazardous substances that may damage nervous system, immunity and male fertility. They are used in building materials, carpets, dishes, hairdressing...

Czech NGO Arnika helped solving tens of environmental problems in Belarus

Czech NGO Arnika helped solving tens of environmental problems in Belarus

Tree-cutting, recycling, and illegal landfill. Those are the main reasons the Belarusians seek out experts from non-governmental environmental organizations. To make it happen, a...

No HazMat for the Holidays: Children’s Toys and Hair Accessories on the EU Market Contain Toxic Chemicals

No HazMat for the Holidays: Children’s Toys and Hair Accessories on the EU Market Contain Toxic Chemicals

Dangerous levels of toxic industrial chemicals have been found in children’s toys and hair accessories sold in the EU. The Stockholm Convention , a global, legally-binding...

Horror gifts: will children find toxic toys under the tree and ladies poisonous combs?

Horror gifts: will children find toxic toys under the tree and ladies poisonous combs?

In children's toys and hairdressing aids for women made from recycled plastic, the analysis by Arnika revealed dangerous substances. Experts on toxic substances in these products...

Two New Studies Revealed POPs Pollution across Thailand

Two New Studies Revealed POPs Pollution across Thailand

Investigations proved toxic contamination in pollution hotspots in Thailand. It is caused, in particular, by dioxins and other persistent organic pollutants (POPs). High...

Lead poisoning: Prague buildings filled with toxic heavy metals due to old-time furnishing

Lead poisoning: Prague buildings filled with toxic heavy metals due to old-time furnishing

People are commonly exposed to lead, cadmium, toxic mercury and other heavy metals in Czech capital. Lead concentration present in dust is much higher in office and authority...

North Bohemian power plants and Spolana are the top Czech polluters

North Bohemian power plants and Spolana are the top Czech polluters

The chemical plant Spolana in Neratovice dominates the lists of the biggest Czech polluters for the third year in a row, together with the power plants in Pocerady and Prunerov...