The weir on the River Elbe will not help water transport. Investment in tourism would support the economy.

The weir on the River Elbe will not help water transport. Investment in tourism would support the economy.

An extremely low flow rate, which has completely stopped shipping on both the Czech and German sides, has been trumpeted by the River Elbe for five years now. In spite of the...

Industrial pollution needs to be resolved, Armenian minister and Arnika agreed

Industrial pollution needs to be resolved, Armenian minister and Arnika agreed

The Armenian government was used to analyze the pollution in the Northern region to improve the situation which was the main subject of an interview between Erik Grigoryan,...

Year of the river keepers. People have been guarding for 365 days

Year of the river keepers. People have been guarding for 365 days

Village in Bosnia and Herzegovina celebrates an anniversary. One year ago, local people stood against an unjustified destruction of nature. On August 2, 2017, the people of...

We're organizing seminars on air pollution in the industrial cities of Ukraine

We're organizing seminars on air pollution in the industrial cities of Ukraine

In the Ukrainian industrial cities Zaporizhia, Krivoy Rog and Dnipro, Ecoaction (Екодія) and Arnika NGOs held a series of seminars on finding ways to reduce industrial pollution....

Aarhus anniversary: 20 years of environmental democracy

Aarhus anniversary: 20 years of environmental democracy

Twenty years after its adoption, the Aarhus Convention remains a unique mechanism enforcing people’s right to healthy environment. The UNECE’s international agreement, signed in...

"Tree Avenues 2019" international conference held in the Czech Republic

"Tree Avenues 2019" international conference held in the Czech Republic

"Arnika - Center for Citizens' Support" NGO, in cooperation with authorities of Liberec County, organized the International conference Tree Avenues 2019. It was of special...

Small victory of the Balkan village: the hydro-power plants permit cancelled

Small victory of the Balkan village: the hydro-power plants permit cancelled

A huge success was achieved within an anti-dam campaign in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Two planned controversial hydro-power projects above the town of Vitez (Central Bosnia Canton)...

United Nations condemns environment related violence

United Nations condemns environment related violence

A persecution of activists protecting the environment and local communities has raised the attention of the United Nations Environment Programme. The leading global authority on...

Bosnia and Herzegovina needs a regulation on minimum river flow

Bosnia and Herzegovina needs a regulation on minimum river flow

The environmentally acceptable flow must be regulated in order for sustainable river use and management. Climate change, specificities of water regimes and use in different...

Save the Sana River springs before it’s too late, people plead

Save the Sana River springs before it’s too late, people plead

People from around the Sana disapprove the lack of protection for their wild river jewel. Instead of being proclaimed a monument of nature, hydropower plants will kill it - the...

For healthier living in Thailand. Victims of industrial pollution defend their rights

For healthier living in Thailand. Victims of industrial pollution defend their rights

The "Citizen Science Project" successfully enhanced the public participation for environmental and health protection in Thailand. Gold mining, contaminated water, and inadequate...

The future government plans to build a weir on the River Elbe in spite of criticism by experts

The future government plans to build a weir on the River Elbe in spite of criticism by experts

The Czech government coalition of the ANO party and the Social Democrats in their program, the ratification of the Water Transport Strategy, the environmental impact assessment,...