Kazakhstanis join World Cleanup Day to make their country a better place to live in

Kazakhstanis join World Cleanup Day to make their country a better place to live in

19 September 2022, KARAGANDA/TEMIRTAU – On September 17, there were mass cleanup events all over the planet associated with World Cleanliness Day. Kazakhstanis also joined the...

International cooperation is the answer to global pollution, scientists confirmed at the Prague conference

International cooperation is the answer to global pollution, scientists confirmed at the Prague conference

15 September 2022, PRAGUE/JAKARTA/BANGKOK – The international BioDetectors conference took place in Prague on 13-14 September and was attended by experts worldwide. They can use...

The second-largest city of Bosnia and Herzegovina declares to stay dams-free

The second-largest city of Bosnia and Herzegovina declares to stay dams-free

23 August 2022, BANJA LUKA – The mayor of Banja Luka joined the initiative “Dams-Free Municipalities”. By this act, Banja Luka commits not to issue any concession or permission...

Australia is still dumping waste in Asia

Australia is still dumping waste in Asia

9 August 2022, BANGKOK/CANBERRA - Thailand’s Minister for the Environment has ordered the repatriation of 130 tonnes of Australian waste, imported into the country as paper and...

Thai CSOs urge the government to consider their PRTR proposal

Thai CSOs urge the government to consider their PRTR proposal

July 4, 2022, Bangkok/ Prague – EARTH Thailand [1] , together with Arnika Association (Czech Republic) [2] , call on the Thai parliament and government to accept the upcoming...

Battles for the environment encounter the gap between the law and reality in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Battles for the environment encounter the gap between the law and reality in Bosnia and Herzegovina

29 June 2022, SARAJEVO/PRAGUE - The people of Bosnia and Herzegovina still lack information about the state of the environment and face serious obstacles when trying to get...

Chemicals in Waste Will Continue to Pose Health and Environmental Threats Under New EU Rules

Chemicals in Waste Will Continue to Pose Health and Environmental Threats Under New EU Rules

June 23, PRAGUE - Earlier this week, the European Council and Parliament reached an agreement on new limits on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in wastes, but unfortunately,...

BRS Conventions take steps for global protections from toxic chemicals

BRS Conventions take steps for global protections from toxic chemicals

GENEVA - Several notable decisions were adopted at the closing of two weeks of negotiations of the Joint Conference of the Parties (COP) of the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm...

Kazakh authorities and CSOs discussed the transition of European experience in tackling climate change

Kazakh authorities and CSOs discussed the transition of European experience in tackling climate change

June 8, KARAGANDY – Today, the non-governmental organization EcoMuseum from Karagandy signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Karagandy Region Akimat to develop a regional...

Cancer-causing Dioxins and PCBs Threaten the Food Supply and Human Health Globally

Cancer-causing Dioxins and PCBs Threaten the Food Supply and Human Health Globally


Stricter international limits for hazardous chemicals will help to stop waste imports into Thailand

Stricter international limits for hazardous chemicals will help to stop waste imports into Thailand

31 May 2022, Bangkok/Prague – EARTH Thailand, together with the Arnika Association (Czech Republic) and the International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN) [1], will call on...

European Union supports civil society in tackling climate change in Kazakhstan

European Union supports civil society in tackling climate change in Kazakhstan

A new project to mitigate climate change in Karaganda Region has been launched by the Czech NGO “Arnika” and the Karaganda-based EcoMuseum. The project received a grant from the...