The protection of environmental activists is getting closer. Governments are negotiating on a new international mechanism

The protection of environmental activists is getting closer. Governments are negotiating on a new international mechanism

The year 2019 showed the highest number of environmental and land defenders killed ever; 212 people worldwide [1]. Although most of them were in Latin America, murders also...

Persecution of environmental activists in Belarus has no end. ‘Green Telephone’ operator Alena Dubovik was sentenced to 15 days in prison

Persecution of environmental activists in Belarus has no end. ‘Green Telephone’ operator Alena Dubovik was sentenced to 15 days in prison

Another member of a non-governmental organization Ecohome, Alena Dubovik, was detained in Minsk on Friday, October 23rd. On October 26th, she was sentenced to 15 days in prison...

Kilograms of trash taken out of rivers in Bosnia and Herzegovina by the local communities

Kilograms of trash taken out of rivers in Bosnia and Herzegovina by the local communities

In less than a month, five civic initiatives from Bosnia and Herzegovina have cleared rivers and riverbanks of trash at six locations. Each time, the organizers of River Cleaning...

‘Do you want to know what you’re breathing in every second? Your voice matters too,’ calls a new petition for clean air in Ukraine

‘Do you want to know what you’re breathing in every second? Your voice matters too,’ calls a new petition for clean air in Ukraine

Would you be comfortable eating or drinking anything suspicious or possibly spoiled without knowing about its composition? Or would you want to know more and demand better...

Good news from Brussels: The EU promises consumer goods without dangerous chemicals

Good news from Brussels: The EU promises consumer goods without dangerous chemicals

On Wednesday, October 14th, 2020, the European Commission approved an ambitious strategy , with a goal to protect the citizens and the environment better from the most toxic...

Thailand refuses to be a global dumpsite: 428 different types of e-waste listed as strictly forbidden to import into the country

Thailand refuses to be a global dumpsite: 428 different types of e-waste listed as strictly forbidden to import into the country

After years of efforts and demanding such ban by several environmental groups including EARTH and Arnika, Thailand has finally announced prohibition on the import of dangerous...

Environmental destruction in times of coronavirus: a new study brings cases from Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia to light

Environmental destruction in times of coronavirus: a new study brings cases from Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia to light

Changing the law in favour of investors, sudden approval of controversial projects, unlawful construction of hydropower plants, illegal logging, or persecution of activists....

Cyanides in the Bečva River – 2020

Cyanides in the Bečva River – 2020

Originally a lively and beautiful river Bečva was poisoned by cyanides on almost forty kilometers. The cyanide leak occurred on Sunday, September 20th, 2020, when dead fish...

The Belarusian regime imprisons uncomfortable activists. Arnika repeatedly calls for an end to the persecution

The Belarusian regime imprisons uncomfortable activists. Arnika repeatedly calls for an end to the persecution

Marina Dubina from the Belarusian organization Ecohome, which is fighting against the construction of a nuclear power plant in the country, was yesterday convicted to spend...

How to protect Dniester: international conference focuses on transboundary river basin management

How to protect Dniester: international conference focuses on transboundary river basin management

To discuss up-to-date issues of the river protection related to the process of EU integration and international cooperation in protecting shared Dniester river basin, including...

It’s all about air: Residents of Ukraine got a new source of reliable information on air pollution

It’s all about air: Residents of Ukraine got a new source of reliable information on air pollution

How polluted is the air in my town? What can I do to protect my health? What are the main hotspots with plants polluting our air? Residents can now find the answers to these...

Protest against construction of SHHPs on rivers in FB&H

Protest against construction of SHHPs on rivers in FB&H

The Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) urgently needs to coordinate the drafting of legislative changes at the level of FBiH, cantons and...