
Biologer camp: Experts from the Balkans and the Czech Republic to study the biodiversity of the Rzav River

Biologer camp: Experts from the Balkans and the Czech Republic to study the biodiversity of the Rzav River

The Rzav River in Bosnia and Herzegovina will host an international camp of both hobbyist and professional biologists. They will map the local biodiversity and call for vigorous...

Back to the springtime Balkans: a new photo exhibition and a trip to the wild springs of the Sana River

Back to the springtime Balkans: a new photo exhibition and a trip to the wild springs of the Sana River

In the last week of March, we returned to the beautiful Bosnian countryside around the Pecka Visitor Centre. We have been working in the Balkans for years to protect Europe's...

An International Coalition Presented Its Vision for the Future of the Oder River. It Asked Governments to Comply with Their Own Regulations

An International Coalition Presented Its Vision for the Future of the Oder River. It Asked Governments to Comply with Their Own Regulations

Ostrava, Wroclaw, Berlin: It has not changed much since the environmental disaster on the Oder in 2023. Mines and industrial plants are still discharging salty wastewater into...

Community Power Prevails: Residents Put an End to Hydroelectric Plant Project on the Neretvica River in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Community Power Prevails: Residents Put an End to Hydroelectric Plant Project on the Neretvica River in Bosnia and Herzegovina

SARAJEVO/PRAGUE - People of Bosnia and Herzegovina have won a significant victory in the fight to protect their rivers. The state-owned energy company Elektroprivreda [1]...

Open letter: Counting on new hydropower to accelerate Renewable Energy deployment in Europe is irresponsible.

Open letter: Counting on new hydropower to accelerate Renewable Energy deployment in Europe is irresponsible.

Arnika and 100+ NGOs write to EU negotiators asking them to protect Europe’s rivers from new hydropower deployment in the revised Renewable Energy directive.

Czech and Slovak rangers shared their experience with Moldovans

Czech and Slovak rangers shared their experience with Moldovans

On our November trip to Moldova, we were accompanied by professional nature guards from the Beskydy mountains and Slovak Paradise. Their task was to pass on their service...

River protection in the Western Balkans has improved, but citizens are still left out of decision making

River protection in the Western Balkans has improved, but citizens are still left out of decision making

On 3-4 November 2022, the "Free The Rivers 2022" conference was held in Sarajevo [1]. It was attended by dozens of civil society representatives and communities from Bosnia and...

The second-largest city of Bosnia and Herzegovina declares to stay dams-free

The second-largest city of Bosnia and Herzegovina declares to stay dams-free

23 August 2022, BANJA LUKA – The mayor of Banja Luka joined the initiative “Dams-Free Municipalities”. By this act, Banja Luka commits not to issue any concession or permission...

Big Jump 2022: Protection of rivers is fun!

Big Jump 2022: Protection of rivers is fun!

In July 2022, Europeans celebrated European River Swimming Day for the 20th time in history. Our partners in Moldova and Bosnia and Herzegovina joined this opportunity to remind...

Breakthrough: Partial ban of small hydropower plants achieved in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Breakthrough: Partial ban of small hydropower plants achieved in Bosnia and Herzegovina

An important step has been made in the protection of Bosnian rivers. The parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina [1] passed a new amendment to the Law on...

Bosnians challenged their mayors on Earth Day to become a dams-free municipality

Bosnians challenged their mayors on Earth Day to become a dams-free municipality

April 25, SARAJEVO/PRAGUE - Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina decided to use the opportunity of Earth Day 2022 to remind their representatives of the necessary protection of...

Volunteers planted trees along the banks to protect watercourses in Moldova

Volunteers planted trees along the banks to protect watercourses in Moldova

Despite the chilly weather, sixteen volunteers gathered at an event organized by our Moldavian colleagues in the Bălăbănești community on March 12th. They arrived to help with...