
NGOs: Governments need new tools to control air pollution urgently

NGOs: Governments need new tools to control air pollution urgently

After two years, the Central Jakarta court still has not announced the decision of a Citizen Lawsuit (CLS) demanding clean air for Jakarta. Thirty-two people submitted a CLS in...

Transparent pollution control for Indonesia. “We want to see blue skies again”

Transparent pollution control for Indonesia. “We want to see blue skies again”

The non-governmental organizations (NGO) Nexus3 Foundation from Indonesia and Arnika from the Czech Republic have launched a new project aiming to help with controlling and...

Plastic waste poisons Indonesia’s food chain. Alarming levels of dioxins, PFOS & other banned chemicals found in eggs sampled near plastic waste hot spots in Indonesia

Plastic waste poisons Indonesia’s food chain. Alarming levels of dioxins, PFOS & other banned chemicals found in eggs sampled near plastic waste hot spots in Indonesia

Highly toxic chemicals, posing dire risks to human health, have been found in dangerous concentrations in free-range chicken eggs in Indonesian communities where plastic waste...

‘Toxic eggs’ in Switzerland testify to global contamination with poisonous substances

‘Toxic eggs’ in Switzerland testify to global contamination with poisonous substances

At the Stockholm Convention , Arnika is presenting the results of recent analyses of chicken eggs from 29 countries concerning the presence of dioxins and dioxin-like substances....

EU-Funded Study Finds High Lead Levels in Paints in Seven Asian Countries: Children Ages 0-6 Risk Permanent and Lifelong Damage

EU-Funded Study Finds High Lead Levels in Paints in Seven Asian Countries: Children Ages 0-6 Risk Permanent and Lifelong Damage

The majority of household paints analyzed in seven Asian countries contain unsafe levels of lead; would not meet regulatory standards established in most highly industrialized...

A new study shows that high mercury concentrations are present in fish and human hair from all over the world

A new study shows that high mercury concentrations are present in fish and human hair from all over the world

Today, an international network of non-governmental organisations, IPEN, published a study which focuses upon the contamination of certain regions of our planet by toxic mercury....

High concentration of mercury in the hair of people living nearby small-scale gold mines in Indonesia

High concentration of mercury in the hair of people living nearby small-scale gold mines in Indonesia

People living close to small-scale gold mines in Indonesia have their bodies heavily burdened with the mercury, as confirmed the levels of mercury in the human hair samples in...

Arnika helps Asia to eliminate hazardous lead-containing paints

Arnika helps Asia to eliminate hazardous lead-containing paints

The global project Eliminate Lead in Paint has been launched in Bangkok during a meeting of non-governmental organizations from seven Asian countries and the international...