
The Dniester River and protected areas need our attention. Demonstration in front of the Moldovan parliament will take place

The Dniester River and protected areas need our attention. Demonstration in front of the Moldovan parliament will take place

Recently, public interest in the problems of the Dniester River and protected natural areas has intensified, but the necessary steps from the politicians and authorities are...

Arnika and experts from UCT Prague took water and soil samples in Moldova and advised on how to respond to fish poisoning

Arnika and experts from UCT Prague took water and soil samples in Moldova and advised on how to respond to fish poisoning

Transformation cooperation in Moldova focused on river protection, which Arnika has been working on since last year thanks to the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of...

Connecting people protecting their rivers: Big Jump got bigger in 2021

Connecting people protecting their rivers: Big Jump got bigger in 2021

In July 2021, Arnika together with its partners didn't miss the opportunity to join the Big Jump event - an initiative aiming to bring the attention of the public and authorities...

Big Jump in Moldova: Join the European day and swim for protection of your local river

Big Jump in Moldova: Join the European day and swim for protection of your local river

On July 11th, Big Jump - a European day of swimming in the rivers - is being organized all over Europe to demonstrate people's relationship to water streams. The goal of the...

Adoption of Moldovan rivers - visits to local communities and celebration of Biodiversity Day

Adoption of Moldovan rivers - visits to local communities and celebration of Biodiversity Day

In May, the Arnika team went to Moldova to continue international cooperation aimed primarily at protecting rivers and supporting communities on both banks of the Dniester. Czech...

Without state funding of Moldova's nature reserves, we all may lose forests and nature, environmentalists warn

Without state funding of Moldova's nature reserves, we all may lose forests and nature, environmentalists warn

Moldovan natural reserves and protected areas are threatened by destruction because of a lack of financing from the state budget in recent years. On the occasion of International...

Together in protecting water resources: Arnika's mission to Moldova

Together in protecting water resources: Arnika's mission to Moldova

As Czechia has largely similar problems due to the similar nature of the landscape and structure of agriculture, before the end of 2020 Arnika went to Moldova to share our...

Without access to information, Moldova cannot achieve a better environment

Without access to information, Moldova cannot achieve a better environment

For years, environmentalists in Moldova have their hands tied by not having access to information – such as data on droughts or floods tormenting the country. Despite the fact...

Caring about water resources: tips and tricks published in a new guidebook

Caring about water resources: tips and tricks published in a new guidebook

Two different countries, similar problems. Moldova, as well as Czechia, heavily modified their watercourses and changed the river landscape, mainly due to intensive agriculture...

Tree planting events in Moldova: forests save our rivers

Tree planting events in Moldova: forests save our rivers

In November (7th and 14th), massive tree and shrub planting events were organised by Moldovan NGOs “Eco-TIRAS”, “Parks of Future” and “Renasterea Rurala” in Transnistria...

Environmental destruction in times of coronavirus: a new study brings cases from Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia to light

Environmental destruction in times of coronavirus: a new study brings cases from Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia to light

Changing the law in favour of investors, sudden approval of controversial projects, unlawful construction of hydropower plants, illegal logging, or persecution of activists....

How to protect Dniester: international conference focuses on transboundary river basin management

How to protect Dniester: international conference focuses on transboundary river basin management

To discuss up-to-date issues of the river protection related to the process of EU integration and international cooperation in protecting shared Dniester river basin, including...