Public debate in Lysa nad Labem made the Czech Minister of Environment visit incinerator

"Citizens of Lysá nad Labem unanimously refused further operation of hazardous waste incinerator, placed on hill Šibák above the town. Almost 100 people took part in a public...

Czech Senate Approves Conventions on Toxic Substances

Upper Chamber of the Czech Parliament approved today (on the 9th May) ratification of 3 important international treaties related to environmental protection. First of all it is...

Arnika on Integrated Pollution Register: the Register is good, but the data are not

Arnika on Integrated Pollution Register: the Register is good, but the data are not

Today, the Integrated Pollution Register was made available to the public in the Czech Republic for the first time. It contains concrete data on releases and transfers of...

Construction of ten new incinerators was discussed in the Czech Republic in the last year

Incineration of wastes is uneconomical and burdens the environment by emissions of highly toxic substances. While autoclaves, composting plants, and separation and recycling...

Arnika achieved tightening of conditions for dioxin decontamination in Spolana in spite of that, certain part of wastes will end in the incinerator in Ostrava

Decontamination of soils and construction materials contaminated by dioxins (1) started in Spolana Neratovice. In the course of the process of issuance of integrated permit (IP)...

Arnika warned about contamination of foodstuffs by toxic substances

Three giant hens marched today the Charles Bridge. They rolled big eggs in front of them, and were accompanied by a procession of Arnika activists, who carried a transparent...

Arnika coordinates international project on toxic chemicals

Arnika coordinates international project on toxic chemicals

Chicken eggs from 17 countries (1) on five continents will be tested in Czech laboratories to examine the level of contamination with hazardous toxic chemicals. The environmental...

Arnika warned customers against PVC goods

PVC harms! Today Arnika activists addressed customers with this warning in front of the entrance to the Carrefour store in Prague part called Angel, to make them aware of the...

Ambrozek´s blood contaminated by DDT and PCBs

Czech Minister of Environment Libor Ambrozek responded to the appeal of association ARNIKA and of the international ecological organization Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) and...

Over two-thirds of incinerators not complying with limits

ARNIKA suggests stricter measures for treatment of ashes – the final place for most of dioxins

Mydlovary – the end station for toxic chemicals

Company Quail Ltd. “recultivates” sludge bed in Mydlovary with toxic ashes taken from waste incinerators.

Arnika: the Inspectorate imposed too low a fine on Draslovka

On its press conference, the Czech Environmental Inspectorate announced the amount of fines which it imposed on LZ Draslovka Kolín for release of cyanides into Elbe in January....