Seveso Accident and Planetary Pollution Boundaries

Seveso Accident and Planetary Pollution Boundaries

Two thousand hectares of contaminated soil and 200 people with symptoms of a rare dermatological disease, chloracne. This was the result of an accident in the chemical plant...

New study reveals hazardous burden of e-waste and POPs

New study reveals hazardous burden of e-waste and POPs

On 10 and 12 July 2023, our experts Mgr. Jitka Straková from Arnika and RNDr. Alice Dvorská, independent scientist and lead author of the study, returned to Kalasin province in...

Czech Television with Arnika in Moldova

Czech Television with Arnika in Moldova

This time, we had two special guests with us in spring Moldova - documentary filmmaker Martin Marek with his camera and Petr Roth, an expert in nature conservation with...

Training makes perfect. Volunteers removed poaching baits

Training makes perfect. Volunteers removed poaching baits

A group of dedicated volunteers helps to protect the nature of the recently declared Lower Dniester National Park. They improve their skills through regular training to ensure...

Georgian volunteers build cost-efficient citizen air monitoring stations

Georgian volunteers build cost-efficient citizen air monitoring stations

The name of a brand new type of air pollution monitoring station, the first prototype produced by volunteers in Tbilisi, Georgia, on the weekend of 20-21 May 2023, is "AirGE"....

International Climate Day: What are the steps towards carbon neutrality in Kazakhstan?

International Climate Day: What are the steps towards carbon neutrality in Kazakhstan?

On May 15, the world celebrates International Climate Day. This important ecological data calls all the inhabitants of the planet to pay attention to the problems of the climate...

Study Finds High Levels of Toxic Plastic Flame Retardant in Blood Samples of Thai E-Waste and Vehicle Recycling Workers

Study Finds High Levels of Toxic Plastic Flame Retardant in Blood Samples of Thai E-Waste and Vehicle Recycling Workers

At international meetings this week, Stockholm Convention delegates will decide on a global ban on the plastics chemical, Dechlorane Plus. IPEN and its member groups from around...

Experts have calculated the economic losses caused by bad air quality in Jakarta. How is the state responding?

Experts have calculated the economic losses caused by bad air quality in Jakarta. How is the state responding?

Jakarta is the clear winner in the air pollution rankings. This victory is more of a demonstration of defeat in the fight for a better environment. Further delays in addressing...

The main goal of the Stockholm Convention must be to protect health and the environment: the intervention of Jindřich Petrlík at the Stockholm Convention 2023 COP

The main goal of the Stockholm Convention must be to protect health and the environment: the intervention of Jindřich Petrlík at the Stockholm Convention 2023 COP

On Monday 1 May 2023, the negotiations of the Stockholm, Basel and Rotterdam Conventions, which aim to protect the planet from pollution by the world's most toxic substances,...

The “EcoMuseum Cinema”: Before The Flood

The “EcoMuseum Cinema”: Before The Flood

We celebrated the International Day of Mother Earth with a small group of enthusiasts by watching the movie “Before the Flood”. The documentary was written by Mark Monroe,...

International Mother Earth Day at EcoMuseum

International Mother Earth Day at EcoMuseum

The Karaganda-based NGO EcoMuseum invites you to celebrate International Mother Earth Day this Sunday, April 23. Together we will watch the documentary film “ Before the Flood ”...

IPCC released the 6th assessment report on climate change. Should we be worried (again)?

IPCC released the 6th assessment report on climate change. Should we be worried (again)?

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its 6th Climate Change Assessment Report in March. Experts emphasize that urgent action is needed to combat the...